Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Nano Update week 1

Just a quick one before I fly off to France, since I haven't given an update on my NaNo yet. It’s been going on for a week now, and I am proud to announce that I have written a grand total of 0 words.
Yep, that’s right: I haven’t written anything!

I do have excuses. I’ve had a very busy week and an even busier weekend. ‘What could possibly be more important that the NaNo?’ I hear you ask. Well, a lot of things, it seems. Things that were becoming urgent, like clearing up the room that had been taken over by folders and papers I had taken home from school. Or getting my parents’ car’s MOT done. Then, since I had gotten started, I thought I’d do ALL my chores before writing. That way my mind would be worry-free. Except it’s taken me three days to do the chores, and I’m not even sure I’m finished.

I swear it wasn’t procrastination: I have been itching to write all weekend. I even have ideas for a new prologue (that, on the other hand, might be procrastination).

But now I’m off to France for a short break and I can finally get started. After I proof read my sister’s script. And write a review for a book I loved. After that, I promise, I’ll get started.

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