Sunday, 13 April 2014


A couple of weeks ago I had made a cover for the book for my NaNo page (which you might have noticed already). I tweaked it a little, so for your enjoyment and enteraintment, I reveal my book cover:

This reminds me I never really mentioned what my book is called. I think I'll do a post about that some time, so if you have any thoughts... hold onto them!
Feel free to comment on the cover, though, but please note I am limited by my very rudimentary photoshopping skills. The original picture is this:

I love the colours, and it was a shame to lose them, but the greyscale fits better. I might try and make one later keeping the colours but fiddling with the cover somehow.

If you are at all interested, this is the technical bit:
I used the freeware GIMP to set the pixel size (needed for the NaNo website), change the colours and add a title. Thinking about it now, I should have probably made a high res poster and then restricted the pixel size, but nevermind. 
I found the picture through Google Advanced Image search but it is hosted by pixabay. The picture is completely public domain -it has a CC0 license, which means it's free to edit and use, even commercially. It always amazes me that people are willing to put their work up for others to use as they wish, with no restriction and no need for recognition. Still, I feel the guy deserves some credit, so this is his page. The same goes for the acorns. It's some old engraving that is now royalty free and hosted by

Let me know what you think!

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