Saturday, 21 February 2015

Happy Birthday to me!

Welcome, welcome!

Come on in and make yourself at home.

Cake? Glass of champagne? Are you sitting comfortably? Is the music ok?

All right, fine, I need to calm down.

Welcome to my blog’s virtual birthday party. The idea is that you leave comments and I reply or you reply to each other. So get commenting!

Here are some of the things you might want to have a look at:
What the book is about
Who the characters are - or take this test to find out which character you are the most like!
Perhaps you’d like to learn more about the world in the library
Or you want to have a sneak peak at what I’m writing by reading some excerpts
Or maybe you want to start a debate and argue on one of my opinion posts.

Whatever you choose, feel free to comment on any post, even old ones.

There is also a Q&A post, so if you have any questions for me, you can leave them there and I’ll answer them.

Just remember to be nice and cordial to each other, even if you think this is all pants and why on earth any adult in their right mind would write a story about fairies.

Have fun!


  1. Happy Birthday! Your blog now has a mental age of 1.

  2. Thomas (Bruxelles)21 February 2015 at 17:28

    Malheureusement, je ne reste pas chez moi pour les minutes/heures à venir (ou du moins, pas derrière mon clavier) mais je voulais profiter de l'occasion pour te faire un coucou.
    Bon blogiversaire! J'espère que ça roule pour toi!

    1. Merci Thomas! En tous cas c'est tres gentil d'etre passe. Reviens quand tu veux quand tu auras le temps de discuter un peu plus ;)

  3. Happy Blogiversary! May your posts be bountiful and your book completed in the coming year.

  4. Happy Birthday Blog. Jake and I eating cookies.

    1. Ditto. Except I'm not with Jake. Haven't you guys got a shindig at some point?

    2. Thanks Rosie. I am onto the cookies as well.

    3. Yes we do, details on Facebook.

  5. Happy Birthday to your blog. I look forward to reading your book, and expect your favourite characters to die in horrible and unexpected ways.

    1. OMG I can't believe George RR Martin came to my blog. I wonder how this is possible...

  6. Happy birthday!

  7. Bon anniversaire de blog Sozic ^^

    J'espère que tu réussiras à te remettre en route pour ton roman quand tu pourras.

    Bisous <3


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