A long time ago (read 'when the first draft was finished'), I sent the manuscript to 3 agents. I can't remember if I've ever mentioned this. I didn't really tell many people at the time. I was more testing the water, I suppose, which is a really stupid way of burning a lot of bridges. But I was young and naive in the ways of publishing (hum...). Anyway, needless to say I only got rejections.
Then in September I contacted 4 agents. I got nos one by one, and hadn't heard from the last one so this weekend, having some free time, I contacted 6 more. So that's 10, half of my target, but also probably the ones I had the best chance with.
Then this morning I got the answer from the 4th agent I had never heard from. Quite a coincidence!
Anyway, until now all the rejection emails I'd received had been fairly bog-standard, a polite "thanks but no thanks."
The one I got today was slightly better, and so far the nicest no I've received. I know I shouldn't put too much stock by it - at the end of the day, agents can be nice people too, even when they're rejecting you, so it doesn't mean my novel is any good - but it does feel like the comments are personal and part of me is hoping. Hoping that this is a good sign.
Anyway, this is the email:
Dear Soizic,
Many thanks for sending me the first three chapters of your novel to me. I thought this was imaginative, well-written, gripping with strong and original characters – it was an entertaining read with plenty of pace and had a good commercial premise. Lacie was a nicely empathic character with a good voice and strong narrative drive.
However, while I did enjoy this and think it an engaging read, I’m afraid I didn’t love it quite enough to take it any further. That’s not to say another agent may not totally disagree.
I do wish you all the best with your writing and thanks you again for sharing your novel with me.
Best wishes,
Look! "Good commercial premise", she says. "Nicely empathic character with a good voice", she says. As nos go, this one has got me quite excited! I just need to stop myself from over-analysing and getting my hopes up. After all, she did say no.
Gosh, this agent thing really is like dating, isn't it?
Ooooooh je trouve que c'est super ! Cet agent est vraiment cool de personnaliser sa réponse, de l'argumenter et de te complimenter aussi ! Je trouve ça top !
ReplyDeleteJe trouve aussi! :D