Wednesday, 6 January 2016


Gosh, it's dark in here, innit? Dust floating around, making you sneeze and tickling your throat. And... Oh no... I think I just walked into a cobweb.

It has been a long time, huh!

You'd hope I would have done lots by now. Not really anything new to report. I sent my book to a couple of agents but it got turned down. A couple isn't much, mind you, so I ought to try some more.

Unfortunately life took over once more and I had no head space or energy for writing, not even cover letters. I was starting to understand the litteral meaning of 'exhausted'.

Well, that was before the holidays. I'm hoping I might have some time soon-ish to get back to writing. I have a good detailed plan for book 2 and I want to start writing, but my head in swimming in non-novel related things at the moment, so I don't know when soon-ish will be.

But soon-ish, I promise!

Until then, better do some spring-cleaning around here.

1 comment:

  1. Ouiiiii ! Courage courage, tu vas y arriver !
    J'ai hâte pour le soon-ish aussi, mais no pressure. ;)


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