Sunday, 23 February 2014

Some data

In the first of my daily updates this week, I present... (drum rolls please)  ... my to-do list!

Oh yeah, super exciting, isn't it?

But it is! And, also, it's big. Terrifyingly big.

Before I start, I'd like to give you an idea of what is already there:
32 chapters
398 pages (in font 12 double-spaced)
111, 677 words (I know it's too long for a Young Adult novel, gna gna gna, no need to remind me I need to cut).

And now the scary part: what I need to do:

Chapters to write from scratch: 5
Scenes to add to existing chapters: 8
Existing scenes to be changed: 17

Eeeeek! That, and serious pruning. Someone might need to lend me a chainsaw.

Now obviously some of these will be more work than others. One of the chapters I need to rewrite, for instance, is my first chapter, which I've already entirely rewritten once, and I've written an outline so I know what needs to happen in it, but it just... won't... arg! Keeping this one 'til last, then?

I'll keep you posted on my progress and you are more than welcome to demand updates on how I am doing. And nag me if I'm not making any.


  1. Le fouet est à portée de main. All you need is ask. ;-)

  2. Merci Caroline, je sais que je peux compter sur toi pour le fouet! :)

  3. Yay! You have a blog about your book, and even better put it on Facebook where I could find it. As an avid teen fantasy reader I found the short books frustrating, like reading 'lite'. Don't cut it too much!


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