Friday, 24 July 2015


I hate my sister.

This really wasn't what I was planning my next post to be. But then, a lot of things are going off plan recently.

What happened was this: I was having a nice chat about visiting her and her work and life in general when we started talking about my book.

And what do you know, two hours (and a few held-back tears) later, and our conversation has made me decide to make some major edits to Book 1. I'm trying to think of it as an 'alternative' version, rather than the 23400th edit, but it's still demoralising to be back to that. I was done with Book 1, damn it! I think I've found a new title for it, too: The Book That Is Never Finished (the Neverending Story was already taken).

It all started because of a comment my sister made about Lacie, so really it's all her fault.

1 comment:

  1. Tssss. Il ne faut pas se démoraliser. Si tu savais le nombre de fois où j'ai rerererererererererererécris mes histoires (qui n'arrivent pas à être "définitives" d'ailleurs. Je pense qu'elles ne le sont jamais, sauf si on les édite peut-être). Courage ! Tu as raison de ne pas abandonner (je suis impressionnée, j'essaye de suivre ton exemple)


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