Saturday, 18 April 2015

Read That Grey Area

Fantastic news!

You can now read Book 1 - The Girl from Otherworld on Wattpad!

Following my days at the London Book Fair, I learned that the best way to get people to care about my book is to get readers. I now have a big plan (more details soon), and the first step was to post my book on a reading platform like Wattpad. 

How it works is this: people sign up to read, they find something they'd like to read by looking at categories or using recommendations, then they start reading, chapter by chapter. Some stories are finished (marked as 'completed'), some are not. 
If readers like it, they can vote for each chapter by adding it as a favourite (a yellow star at the bottom) or they can leave comments. Books that have many reads, many favourites, and many comments are more visible, and get more readers.

 I will be posting chapters every few days. Just click here to start reading. And if you like it, remember to vote or leave comments so I can reach new readers!
You need to create an account to be a reader, but it's quick and free.

Thanks to all the lovely people who have been supporting me in doing this. It is scary, putting my book out there for the whole world to see. Not just an extract where I can say, 'What, this old unedited thing?', but the real thing.

So thank you. You are amazing and I couldn't do this without you.

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