Tuesday, 19 August 2014

In need of some editing advice

Hello! I am back after 18 days of absence from the world of writing. I haven’t touched my book since but hopefully this means I am now refreshed and ready to see it with new eyes!

I have this week set aside for that, and I made a pledge on a French writing forum I visit, full of amazingly friendly people who really helped me get motivated during the camp NaNo. I set myself some objectives for this month, or rather what’s left of it.

It goes something like this:

In August I will:
1/ Read my novel to see if all the changes I made during the camp NaNo work and do the job they were supposed to.
2/ Write at least 3 articles on my blog.
3/ Edit 3 chapters of the novel.

If I succeed, I will: post a surprise on my blog, don’t know what yet.
If I fail, I will: have a lot of work to do during term-time, which will be bad.

Regarding the editing, I have been wondering how to go about it. Usually I edit in order, then I get stuck in the same first chapters I have edited 1000 times over or lose momentum by the end. Or forget I I’m in ‘editing mode’ and just become a reader. 
This time I’m thinking of doing chapters out of order, to focus on the sentence-level work, since I’ll have checked for flow during my read-through (and it was the whole point of the camp NaNo to start with).

So this is where I need advice. Does this sound like a really bad idea? Writing friends, have you ever tried it? What’s your editing approach?

1 comment:

  1. ça dépend vraiment des auteurs. Certains corrigent dans le désordre, d'autres dans l'ordre. De mon côté, je corrige plutôt dans l'ordre, histoire de bien suivre l'évolution psychologique de mes personnages. Mais c'est vraiment personnel comme choix. ^^
    Après si tu restes coincée sur un chapitre, rien ne t'empêche de les "sauter" provisoirement pour passer au suivant. :)


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