Thursday, 31 July 2014

NaNo Winner!

Still a few minutes left to post a comment, but I have now finished the NaNo and...

It's a WINNER!

Ok, I kind of had reached 25k this morning already. But I continued writing all day until I had done all the major edits that needed to be done. So that's one book finished.

Yes, you heard me correctly: that's my rewriting done! Of course, I still need to read it again and again, and polish each sentence until it's all wonderful. But it's a big chunk done.

Oh, and my final wordcount? 27151 words. Oh yeah!

Surprise revealed tomorrow - I think I've earned some rest.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Tough life

Whoaaaaaa! Major panic averted. I thought I had lost all of yesterday's work, but no, I'd just opened the wrong file. Phew!

Right, back to work. Can't say I can complain:

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Three days to go!

I have been terrible at posting lately, and it's showing in my stats. In fact it's NOT showing in my stats, because there is nothing to make stats with: that's how bad it's been.

But fear not, I have not forgotten you, faithful readers. I have been busy! I have, in fact, been writing.

The NaNo started hesistantly, but since being on holiday I have done quite a lot of catching up. Now I have three days left and 7500 words to write (current word count is exactly 17474). 2500 words a day: it's doable.

But more than finishing the NaNo, I want to finish my round of edits. Not the nitpicky sentence-level stuff, the 'changing what happens' kind of editing. Still, I've done the bulk of the work now, which means I am left with the tricky bits. Some of it requires changing the point of view of characters in a scene, some of it inserting some scenes or rewriting others. It's more sublte than 'simply' adding a chapter, and it's making it more difficult to pile on the words.

So... think I can do it?

The answer in three days. In the meantime, feel free to place bets on what my final word count is going to be. If I get more than 5 comments (I know, I aim high...) I will post a brand new extract on Thursday evening!

Monday, 14 July 2014

Camp NaNo update

I thought it was time for an update on my writing this camp NaNo. I am nowhere near my word count, and in fact only wrote on two occasions this month, but it could be worse. I am on holiday at the end of the week (whoop whoop!) and will have a good ten days to get a lot of writing done before the end of the month.

Yeah, ok. I have a lot of catching up to do. But I’m not panicking yet!